Techsummit 2019: Cybersecurity for all

Cybersecurity will play a crucial role for all in digital societies. No government, city, business or citizen will be able to do without it. The Slovak Government and OSCE identified cybersecurity as top priority and we were asked to develop an ambitious programme for the Techsummit 2019 in Bratislava to reflect on global themes such as: What’s the role of cyber-security in geo-politics, business and new partnerships? Is cybersecurity helping or limiting business & cooperation between EU, USA, China and Russia? Are smart cities new battlefields or places for testing new solutions? Are big data, 5G and IoT enablers or sources of risks for logistics, public transport, health services and energy and water supplies? We designed thought-provoking round-tables to stimulate new perspectives and brought renowned international experts, industry leaders and digital pioneers from all over the world for a truly inspiring and enriching event.
